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Independence Case Packer
Independence Case Packer
Graphic of Independence Case Packer

Independence Series Case Packer

Automatic Packaging Machine: Case Packer
Minimum Case Size: 6 x 6 x 7.25 in.
Maximum Case Size: 18 x 14 x 19 in.

Astro Packaging's Independence Series Case Packer

Astro Packaging's Independence Series™ Case Packer is designed with your floor space and production environment in mind. This case packer machine is built to make case size changeover an easy process while its small size reduces the footprint on your production floor. Because of its flexibility in design, the Independence Case Packer can either load cases from the side or the end. The case packer can run up to a maximum line speed of 15 cases per minute.

The Independence case packer is constructed on a structural steel frame and the open design makes access to internal components easy. The case path through the machine has an angled pan at the bottom of the frame to catch any items that may fall through during service for easy retrieval. Product contact parts can be made in stainless steel, plated or an approved plastic. The Independence Case Packer machine is so versatile that it can be converted from packing cases to packing trays without needing any modifications.

Operation of this case packer machine is simple. A case KDF is pulled from the case hopper via vacuum, an opposed vacuum arm opens the case and side arms hold the case in place. The erected case is forwarded to the packing station where it waits for a product group. Product is accumulated into its proper pack patter and then pushed into the waiting empty case. The case moves to the closing station where final folding of all flaps is performed. Case moves again where pressure sensitive tape is applied. The case discharges onto your conveyor straight out the back of the machine, no change of case path is necessary.


  • Power coated steel frame (medium gray.)
  • Angled pan below case path for ease of part retrieval by operator.
  • Stainless steel, plated, and/or approved plastic contact parts to product.
  • Sensorless vector drive/Inverter duty motor for smooth and consistent case transport.
  • Programmable logic control.
  • Color operator interface.
  • Ethernet IP communication.
  • NEMA 12 wiring with 24 Volt DC controls.
  • Guarding with monitored safety circuit.
  • Speeds up to 15 cases per minute.
  • Pressure sensitive tape case sealing.
  • Non‐lube service pneumatic components.
  • 480 Volts AC 3‐phase 20 amp main supply (other voltages are available.)
  • Quick and easy changeover to meet your production schedule.
  • A cost effective solution.
  • Small footprint.


  • Single lane or multi-lane for variety pack packaging
  • Line combining.
  • Product/case re‐orientation.
  • Pad insertion.
  • Stainless steel construction with NEMA 4X electrical.
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